Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Design a logic circuit that will control the horn

A manufacturing plant needs to have a horn sound to signal quitting time. The horn should be activated when either of the following conditions is met:
1. It's after 5 o'clock and all machines are shut down
2. It's Friday, the production run for the day is complete, and all machines are shut down.
Design a logic circuit that will control the horn. (Hint: Use four logic input variables to represent the various conditions; for example , input A will be HIGH only when the time of day is 5 o'clock or later.)

A =  after 5 o'clock
B =  all machines are shut down  it is Friday
C =  production  is complete
D =  all machines are shut down

X  = A/BCD + ABC/D/ + ABC/D + ABCD

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